We have had 2 very successful fundraising dinners, one in Ontario, Oregon, and on in Greeley, Colorado. Participants enjoyed a Nigerian dinner and a presentation of the dreams for the center and the realities of Nigerian life. Thank you to all who attended for your generosity!
We also made a presentation to Soup Suppers for Kids In Dire Situations (SSKIDS) and are pleased to announce that we will be one of the projects they will support in 2018. Please watch for the information about the soup supper in the new year and plan to attend. Your donations to SSKIDS will help to get us further to our goal.
Speaking of goals - Our goal for this campaign is $58,000, the estimated cost of the Clinic Building. We are happy to announce that through the generosity of our donors we are 2/3 of the way there! This great outpouring of gifts leaves us humbled. We thank God for every one of our partners in this dream.
But...this is just the beginning of our project. With estimated costs of staff housing and a small hospital our total need is $124,000 in addition to the funds already raised. We are looking at grants and any other revenue streams that are suggested to us. If you have a group we can talk to, know of a grant opportunity, or have a rich uncle please let us know!