Tochwuchu (John) Nkwocha is the man with the dream.  He is a Catholic priest in the Diocese of Pueblo, Colorado.  He is from Nigeria and still has family living in Egbelu.

  Stewart Abbot is a semi retired OB/GYN from Greeley, CO. As a travel doc, he was working in Lamar, Colorado, where he met John (see Our Beginnings). He is the medical director for the project.

Terrie Abbot is a retired sonographer from Greeley, CO and is the energy behind the project, known to frequently say "We CAN do that." She has experience running non profit organizations.

Kennedy Iheanacho is our project manager for Beatitude Care Clinic in Egbelu, Imo State, Nigeria. He is the capable "guy who knows a guy" that can get anything done. He oversees the construction of the building and the weekly clinics with Celine.  He is Clara's brother (see Our Beginnings) and entrepeneur with interests in multimedia, events and entertainment.